2 Ähnliche Websites zu Annekeingwersen.com

Anneke Ingwersen Shadow Investigator

Anneke Ingwersen (born in Germany) is an artist, writer and educator based in the Netherlands. Through diverse media (installations, silhouettes, puppetplay, video, animation, photography) she investigates the shadow as a method, material and a metaphor for questions of identity and diversity.

Website Bekanntheit:
5 Punkte

mixedmusic.de mixedmusic.de

Tags: ArtistBorn

Nigel Packham Kunst Galerie packham.de

Tags: EducatorArtist
Analysierte Keywords
Writer Work Sonsbeek Sha­dowplay Sha­dow­lamp Shadow Regentru­de Pup­petplay News Net­her­lands Metaphor Media Koti Keti In­ves­tiga­tor Instal­la­tions Ingwer­sen Het Germany Euro­centric Een Educator Dekolonise­ren Decoloni­ze Born Based Artist An­ne­keingwer­sen Anneke