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Test PHP regular expressions live in your browser and generate sample code for preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_replace, preg_grep, and preg_split!

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Regular Expression Library regexlib.com

Regular Expression Library provides a searchable database of regular expressions. Users can add, edit, rate, and test regular expressions.

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Veil­le­rai Table Seconde Rempla­cer Reguliere­ment Regex Quelques Panneau Outils Onglet Metacaracte­res Meil­leurs Matieres Lire Indigrep Grep Envoyer Deuxieme Delais Decor­ti­que Con­sul­ter Confian­ce Con­cer­nant Comple­ments Champs Bonne Automati­que Alertes Addenda