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Tranzit House has been functioning as a cultural institution since 1997 in the location of a former synagogue. It is run by Tranzit Foundation which was founded with the purpose of renovating the building and turning it to a contemporary art center.

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7 Punkte

Sprache: Englisch

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Analysierte Keywords
Ulei Tranzit Targului Tacz Sim­po­zion Rezo­nanțe Realita­te Plimbare Perfor­ma­tivă Par­ticipa­tivă Mamo Liv­rato­ri Jucăm Intr Inghițito­rii Handpan Formă Fm Ficțiu­ne Ferencz Dis­tanței Dezan­ga­jați Dansul Cultural Con­tem­po­ran Casa Ateliere Astăzi Anulat Aivime­dia