2 Ähnliche Websites zu Kasper-stuck.de


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7 Punkte

Kasper Tom - Drummer and composer from Denmark kaspertom.com

Kasper Tom, born 1981 in Svendborg, Denmark, belongs to the new generation of drummers who mix music from many genres and makes it his own. He gratuated from the Carl Nielsen Academy of Music and lived and worked in Berlin from 2007-2010. Since 2006 he has been leading his own bands focusing on modern composition and improvisation. Current bands include FUSK (Rudi Mahall, Philipp Gropper, Andreas Lang) Kasper Tom 5 (Tomasz Dabrowski, Rudi Mahall, Petter Hängsel, Jens Mikkel Madsen), WalsdorffMelbyeTom (Hen

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KunstDepot24 Ölgemälde und Bilderrahmen Berlin kunstdepot24.de

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